Case Study: Washing Machine Gears

Household appliances make our everyday lives easier—when they work. We rely on our appliances for everything, from keeping our food fresh to keeping our clothes clean. When appliances shut down or malfunction, it becomes a major inconvenience in consumers lives and can cost manufacturers big in warranty claims. Design engineers must carefully design and select their components with reliability in mind to avoid these recalls and uphold the manufacturer's reputation. A washing machine is one of many appliances that customers rely upon to complete their everyday tasks.

A hand puts clothing into a top-loading washing machine.

Uh-Oh - Failure Time

Washing machines and other appliances that operate at high loads often require lubricants to protect gears and other components from friction and wear. When properly selected, lubricants can also reduce noise, control motion, and protect against corrosion. But not all lubricants are created equal. A leading appliance manufacturer came to Nye after they noticed that the lubricant used in their gear assembly was leaking into the interior of their top-loading washing machine. This manufacturer needed Nye to replace the existing competitor’s lubricant with a water-resistant grease.

Nye to the RescueDifferent packaging otpions for Nye Lubricant's Instrument Grease 794A including plastic tubes and jars.

Luckily, Nye offers several grease selections for appliance lubrication. To accommodate the customer’s needs, Nye suggested they use Instrument Grease 794A, a clay thickened, medium viscosity, ester-blend grease. This grease has good water resistance and is often recommended for high-load applications such as these. Additionally, this grease has excellent wide temperature performance from -20 to 150°C to withstand the high temperatures created in a high-load environment.

Product Chemistry Temp
Range (°C)
Application Notes
PAO-Ester/Clay -20 to 150 A medium viscosity grease with good water resistance and protection against high temperatures.

The Proof is in the Washing

After successfully passing the customer's independent validation testing, Instrument Grease 794A was selected to lubricate gears within their top-loading washing machine. Nye also has solutions to lubricate other washing machine components like slides and rails, connectors, switches and seals. By lubricating appliance components, manufacturers can avoid costly, reputation-ruining recalls and keep their customers happy even as they complete their most dreaded chores.

Chuck Denison – Senior Manager of International Sales

Chuck Denison, the Senior Manager of International Sales at Nye Lubricants. Chuck has been with Nye for 18 years. In addition to overseeing our international sales team, Chuck also works closely with our channel partners in Asia to provide lubrication solutions for automotive applications, consumer electronics components, and a variety of gear-related applications.

Click here to connect with Chuck on LinkedIn.