Protect Connectors From Water Induced Electrical Failures

It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix. When connectors are not properly protected against moisture and water intrusion, the contact surface can corrode over time or even cause an instantaneous short circuit.  

To protect connectors against water, many engineers design protective housings to keep out moisture. This adds extra time and cost to the design process and may make the connector hard to access if failure were to occur. Connector grease is a cost-effective solution to protect the contact surface from moisture and environmental corrosion.  

A common misconception surrounding connector grease is that it is absorbs water. Connector grease repels water from the connector surface. Because it is hydrophobic, connector grease stays in place rather than being washed away over time. Additionally, connector grease also prevents current leakage in conductive environments such as water to ensure consistent connectivity. 

Don’t believe us? Watch the video below to see how our Water Resistance test demonstrates the insulative properties of our industry leading connector grease, NyoGel® 760G.  

Visit our Connector page to learn more about grease can reduce insertion force and protect your connectors from wear, fretting corrosion, and oxidation. 

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